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Thousands Of Veterans To Form ‘Human Shield’ For Dakota Protestors

Thousands of veterans are planning to form a human shield around the Standing Rock Sioux Reservation to protect protestors from police brutality. Up to 2,000 veterans are expected in North Dakota amid violent clashes between protestors and militarised cops over the construction of an oil pipeline. The nonviolent intervention by the veterans aims to protect the brave protestors from “assault and intimidation at the hands of the militarized police force”. reports: The veterans’ plan coincides with an announcement Tuesday by law enforcement officials that they may impose fines to block supplies from entering the main protest camp after a mandatory evacuation order from the governor. Officials had warned earlier of a physical blockade, but they later backed away from that, Reuters said. Protesters have vowed to stay put. Opponents of the 1,170-mile Dakota Access Pipeline have gathered for months at the Oceti Sakowin camp, about 40 miles south of Bismarck. The Standing Rock Sioux and other Native American tribes fear the pipeline could pollute the Missouri River and harm sacred cultural lands and tribal burial grounds. The evacuation order issued on Monday by Gov. Jack Dalrymple, a Republican, cited “anticipated harsh weather conditions.” It came before a winter storm dumped about [...]

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