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Fake News Meme Going Viral

You've gotta give them credit.  The plot, the plan, the conspiracy - it's really well thought out, well funded - well executed.  Bravo!  It's like a well planned ballet.  In ballet, to acheive excellence, complete cooperation and syncrhonicity is required.  Look what I found in my Twitter today from some Big Lebowski zombie:



The 'fake news' in question was from a Zero Hedge article "Why the Elite Hate Russia" that was written by Global Intel Hub during the election, in order to counterbalance some of the "Russian Propaganda" coming from the CIA/Illuminati basement in rural Virginia (you know the location).  

They are moving so quickly to put the genie back in the bottle it's alarming.  The DOD originally created the internet initially for legitimate military purposes (secure communication) and as an aside wireless technology was developed during world war 2 and actively used in combat (field phones).  Anyway once the internet was 'released' it clearly was a mistake, but not something they could stop.  Even a Rockefeller himself admitted 'it would be better if the internet didn't exist:' 

First things first, read this article by a New Yorker reporter who seems to be a mainstream journalist that has actually investigated Russian Propaganda as it exists in the 'real' world, not as created by Rockefellers in USA in a Hollywood Studio:

I can report that the spokesman was an American man, probably in his thirties or forties, who was well versed in Internet culture and swore enthusiastically. He said that the group numbered about forty people. “I can say we have people who work for major tech companies and people who have worked for the government in different regards, but we’re all acting in a private capacity,” he said. “One thing we’re all in agreement about is that Russia should not be able to fuck with the American people. That is not cool.” The spokesman said that the group began with fewer than a dozen members, who came together while following Russia’s invasion of eastern Ukraine. The crisis was accompanied by a flood of disinformation designed to confuse Ukraine and its allies. “That was a big wake-up call to us. It’s like, wait a minute, Russia is creating this very effective fake-news propaganda in conjunction with their military operation on the ground,” the spokesman said. “My God, if they can do that there, why can’t they do it here?” PropOrNot has said that the group includes Ukrainian-Americans, though the spokesman laughed at the suggestion that they were Ukrainian agents. PropOrNot has claimed total financial and editorial independence.

Given PropOrNot’s shadowy nature and the shoddiness of its work, I was puzzled by the group’s claim to have worked with Senator Ron Wyden’s office. In an e-mail, Keith Chu, a spokesman for Wyden, told me that the PropOrNot team reached out to the office in late October. Two of the group’s members, an ex-State Department employee and an I.T. researcher, described their research. “It sounded interesting, and tracked with reporting on Russian propaganda efforts,” Chu wrote. After a few phone calls with the members, it became clear that Wyden’s office could not validate the group’s findings. Chu advised the group on press strategy and suggested some reporters that it might reach out to. “I told them that if they had findings, some kind of document that they could share with reporters, that would be helpful,” he told me. Chu said that Wyden’s office played no role in creating the report and didn’t endorse the findings. Nonetheless, he added, “There has been bipartisan interest in these kind of Russian efforts, including interference in elections, for some time now, including from Senator Wyden.” This week, Wyden and six other senators sent a letter to the White House asking it to declassify information “concerning the Russian Government and the U.S. election.”

The story of PropOrNot should serve as a cautionary tale to those who fixate on malignant digital influences as a primary explanation for Trump’s stunning election. The story combines two of the most popular technological villains of post-election analysis—fake news and Russian subterfuge—into a single tantalizing package. Like the most effective Russian propaganda, the report weaved together truth and misinformation.

Bogus news stories, which overwhelmingly favored Trump, did flood social media throughout the campaign, and the hack of the Clinton campaign chair John Podesta’s e-mail seems likely to have been the work of Russian intelligence services. But, as harmful as these phenomena might be, the prospect of legitimate dissenting voices being labelled fake news or Russian propaganda by mysterious groups of ex-government employees, with the help of a national newspaper, is even scarier. Vasily Gatov told me, “To blame internal social effects on external perpetrators is very Putinistic.”

This PropOrNot is clearly a Soros funded psy-op.  But it's amateurish, it's pathetic.  It's amazing people really believe this stuff.  But this is coming from a group of people who previously, just believed everything they saw on TV.  Now that they are 'surprised' Trump was elected, they are searching the net for answers, looking at sites they didn't look before (like Drudge, Zero Hedge, and many others).  They still doubt anything they see 'online' because clearly, TV is the only real authority for information, not 'the internets'.  

Facebook was their first attempt to seize control of the internet as a new social control mechanism, but that is largely failing.  Facebook does control a certain marginal percentage of the population but those with above room temperature IQ are not so susceptible for such easy manipulation.  So post-election they're going into overdrive.  Fortunately, part of the dichotomy we witnessed during the election was also in parallel with the 'digital divide' with those more 'technically savvy' people being pro-Trump (although this is a reality the perception in the MSM is the opposite, as Silicon Valley backed Clinton, this was only the billionaire class and liberals, women, minorities, and others - the majority of tech savvy computer users backed Trump).  This means that the 'establishment' that Trump defeated, they're not too technically savvy.  Sure, they can hire the best and the brightest with their money, but this too was a huge failure, as Clinton hired some unprofessional goons who allowed themselves to be taped in real time speaking about corruption and illegal activities for all to see.  So childish.  They can't even decide who is a good subcontractor!  Fortunately, wasn't listed on their list, but is - and we are a major contributor.  Actually, ZeroHedge is the best 'real news' source of market info, maybe only in the same class as bloomberg (which is, a 'real news' agency although biased by a billionaire liberal owner).  

In the recent vote about Russian Propaganda, only a small few in the house voted against it.

On November 30, one week after the Washington Post launched its witch hunt against "Russian propaganda fake news", with 390 votes for, the House quietly passed "H.R. 6393, Intelligence Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2017", sponsored by California Republican Devin Nunes (whose third largest donor in 2016 is Google parent Alphabet, Inc), a bill which deals with a number of intelligence-related issues, including Russian propaganda, or what the government calls propaganda, and hints at a potential crackdown on "offenders."

A quick skim of the bill reveals "Title V—Matters relating to foreign countries",  whose Section 501 calls for the government to "counter active measures by Russia to exert covert influence … carried out in  coordination with, or at the behest of, political leaders or the security services of the Russian Federation and the role of the Russian Federation has been hidden or not acknowledged publicly.”

The section lists the following definitions of media manipulation:

  • Establishment or funding of a front group.
  • Covert broadcasting.
  • Media manipulation.
  • Disinformation and forgeries.
  • Funding agents of influence.
  • Incitement and offensive counterintelligence.
  • Assassinations.
  • Terrorist acts.


As ActivistPost correctly notes, it is easy to see how this law, if passed by the Senate and signed by the president, could be used to target, threaten, or eliminate so-called “fake news” websites, a list which has been used to arbitrarily define any website, or blog, that does not share the mainstream media's proclivity to serve as the Public Relations arm of a given administration.

Curiously, the bill which was passed on November 30, was introduced on November 22, two days before the Washington Post published its Nov. 24 article citing "experts" who claim Russian propaganda helped Donald Trump get elected.

Anyone who is aware of how the world works (if you aren't, you can read a list of books here to see how the world really works, or checkout Splitting Pennies) should be extremely ALARMED by this!  Everyone has probably heard of the term 'wire fraud' -this was a catch all crime used by the FBI for more than 50 years to ensnare virtually anyone they wanted to convict for any crime.  Wire fraud is "financial fraud involving the use of telecommunications or information technology."

Which is a pretty broad, general definition.  So many criminals who they couldn't find evidence for their crimes, they would charge them with 'wire fraud' which was the bureaus goto law created for the purpose of convicting criminals without the need of 'smoking gun' evidence which was in many cases, like the JFK investigation, IMPOSSIBLE to find.  

Fortunately, they aren't so powerful - they are unpopular, and seem to be a dying breed.  But we should prepare - we shouldn't hope!  We have to get on the offensive, this is what going viral is all about!

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