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WikiLeaks: US Supports Both Sides In Wars For Profit

The long arm of the United States military-industrial complex is arming and training both sides of the increasingly brutal Yemen conflict, according to WikiLeaks’ latest release. Promptly after the release of more than 500 documents from the U.S. embassy in Yemen, WikiLeaks explained why this particular leak matters. “The war in Yemen has produced 3.15 million internally displaced persons,” the statement said. “Although the United States government has provided most of the bombs and is deeply involved in the conduct of the war itself,” the organization argues, western news organizations are failing to do their job by seldom informing the public of America’s involvement. Antimedia reports: The documents were produced and exchanged during Hillary Clinton’s term as Secretary of State, as well as during the first two years of John Kerry’s tenure, ending just as the Yemen war broke out. Because Yemen controls an area of the Middle East “through which 11 percent of the world’s petroleum passes each day,” – as WikiLeaks reported – Saudi Arabia has a strong geopolitical interest in the country. With both Iran and the United States having signed a nuclear deal — a development that did not please the Saudis — Iran’s return to [...]

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