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Celebrities Unite to Ask Electors to Vote Against Trump on December 19th

The fuckery is indeed very real.

The fervor and energetic effort into preventing Trump from taking the Presidency, has taken on new levels of lunacy by the left -- who are absurdly panicked and beguiled by paranoia to the point of making themselves into carnivale clown jackasses -- all but assuring the reelection of Trump in 2020 and the Silver Fox in 2024.

Springboarding off the hysterical media and their Russian fairytales of election tampering and raging Putin vendettas, a new organization has appeared -- seemingly out of nowhere. They call themselves United For America and they are cucks.

Here is their mission statement.

According to their Whois data, the website was launched shortly after Thanksgiving, suggestive that plans to deny Trump the Presidency has been in motion for at least three weeks.


Here is their sparsely followed Twitter account -- again indicative of their irrelevancy and newness to the 2016 elections.


And here is their video, a plea for help from the electors -- practically begging them to ignore the will of the people and to vote against Trump on 12/19, saying they'd make history doing so and would be considered heroes for 'voting their conscience', somehow suggesting that the electors don't really want to vote for Trump -- but only do so because he won the god damned elections.

This video shall forever immortalize the emotional collapse of the left -- bedraggled snowflakes, crestfallen, deep in a stupor of their own making.

Acceptance is the final stage of grief, something the illiberal left will soon be forced to endure -- whether they want to or not.


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