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Prince Charles Slams Public For Criticising Islamic Terror

Prince Charles has slammed the public for criticizing the rise in terrorist attacks across Europe and the West on radicalized Islamists. The Prince of Wales spoke out on BBC Radio 4, urging listeners to see similarities in the rise in extremists entering the West illegally to the plight of the prophet Muhammad, who he says migrated from Mecca to Medina in order to “seek freedom for himself.” reports: Just as Charles is ignoring the historical context and circumstances of Muhammad’s hijrah, so now he is also ignoring the manifest fact that all too many Muslim migrants are not “seeking the freedom…to worship,” but are coming to Europe to conquer and Islamize the land, emigrating, after Muhammad’s pattern, “for the sake of Allah” (cf. Qur’an 4:100). Charles also says: “We are now seeing the rise of many populist groups across the world that are increasingly aggressive towards those who adhere to a minority faith.” This is the familiar “Muslims are the new Jews” theme. This is a common Leftist talking point. Many, many others have made this claim before Chomsky, including Noam Chomsky; Bernie Sanders; the notorious non-Muslim Islamic apologist Karen Armstrong; Jeffrey Goldberg, the journalist at The Atlantic who some time [...]

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