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Caught On Tape: Gunman Shoots US Consular Official In Mexico

As domestic unrest grows in Mexico amid gas price hikes and tensions mount over Trumpian policies, AP reports that Mexican prosecutors said Saturday they are searching for a gunman who opened fire on, and wounded an official of the U.S. consulate in the western city of Guadalajara. While motive is unclear, the shooting appeared to be a direct attempt to kill the consular employee.

As CBS reports, surveillance video of the attack shows the gunman following the official in a parking garage. The official, whose name was not released, was dressed in shorts.

The attacker doesn’t appear to try to approach the official. Instead, the gunman waits for him to exit the parking garage and fires a round into a car’s windshield.

The U.S. Consulate posted several clips of CCTV video related to the incident on its Facebook page.

The consulate said on its Facebook page that the FBI is offering a $20,000 reward for information on the attacker.