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Professor Predicts Society Will Collapse By 2020

Scientific research predicts civil unrest by 2020 as political turmoil reaches a peak. Social order as we know it will collapse in three years, plunging the world into unrest and chaos. Professor Peter Turchin says his assumptions are not predictions, but are based on latest research using historical facts and mathematical models. The Sunday Express reports: Prof Turchin has developed a subject known as “cliodynamics” which analyses history as a science, which includes predictions and models based on past experiences. The Russian-American scientist has been building his model for years, but states the election of Donald Trump as President of the US will accelerate the negative trends, leading to a peak in turmoil in 2020. He highlights the “elite overproduction” – where the rich get richer – as another exacerbating feature of the rising tensions and will lead to “ideological polarisation and fragmentation of the political class.” Writing a piece for, Mr Turchin said: “My model indicated that social instability and political violence would peak in the 2020s. “The presidential election which we have experienced, unfortunately, confirms this forecast. “We seem to be well on track for the 2020s instability peak. And although the election is over, the deep [...]

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