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Jeremy Corbyn Accused Of Being Russian Spy

The leader of the UK’s Labour Party, Jeremy Corbyn, has been accused of being a Russian spy after he called for a de-escalation of tensions between NATO and Russia.  Corbyn told the BBC on Thursday that he wishes to see a de-militarisation of the border between Russia and surrounding countries. reports: Along with the U.S., the UK has been rapidly building up its military presence in the Baltic region, including states which border Russia, and is now about to send another 800 troops to Estonia, 500 of which will be permanently based. In response, Russia has moved its own troops within its country near those borders, causing serious military tensions to rise among multiple nuclear-armed powers. Throughout 2016, the Russian and U.S. militaries have engaged in increasingly provocative and aggressive maneuvers against one another. This week, the U.S. began deploying 4,000 troops to Poland, “the biggest deployment of US troops in Europe since the end of the cold war.” It was in this context that Corbyn said it is “unfortunate that troops have gone up to the border on both sides,” adding that “he wanted to see better relations between Russia, NATO and the EU.” The Labour leader explained that while Russia has [...]

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