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Tucker Carlson Challenges Head of Refugee Placement Agency (HIAS) to Explain American Values

HIAS (Hebrew Immigrant Aid Society) head, Mark Hetfield, debated Tucker Carlson this evening on the merits of accepting refugees into the country -- declaring it was the responsibility of the United States to accept anyone in need -- citing the plight of jews in 1921 and how we, as a nation, horribly failed them -- which contributed to the death toll during World War 2.
Tucker called him out for applying a straw man, revisionist, argument -- asking Mark to explain what are 'American values' and how many refugees are we supposed to take in, considering there are upwards of 60 million, globally.
I am sure you could imagine where this went.
It's important to note that organizations like HIAS make a living off admittance of refugees into the country. They aren't honest brokers on the subject matter, since their livelihoods are dependent on government funds quantified off a number of refugees entering the country. In recent years, they've enjoyed solid growth, with revenues surging from $25m in 2012 to $40m in 2015, according to their 990 form filed with the IRS.
More to that end, the directors of HIAS have enjoyed a prosperous living off the recent influx of refugees, allocating upwards of $17m (~50%) of revenues towards salaries and compensation.

At the end of the day, they're crony capitalists, sucking off the tit of government handouts -- fueled by idealogues.


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