In a “spectacular betrayal” of trust President Donald Trump is handing the U.S. economy “back over to Wall Street.” “The Wall Street bankers against whom Trump ran are making policy now,” says Public Citizen. As President Trump surrounds himself with Wall Street bankers he risks repeating the global financial crisis they caused during the last recession. The Wall Street bankers are getting ready to enter into turbo mode under Trump. They will attempt to use cutting edge financial and accounting voodoo science to flood the world with worthless assets, in the meantime sucking up their wealth to the 1% and putting populations into debt for generations to come. While the Wall Street bankers destabilise the world economy, turning it into their own private casino, bankrolled ultimately by Washington, they will do so from the comfort of home where they hold the US administration and economy to ransom. Socialist elite bankers like Goldman Sachs demand compensation from government when things go wrong, otherwise they threaten to blow up the economy under their command. Trump is rolling back regulations in the financial services industry that critics say would put consumers and the financial system at risk. “Wall Street titan Goldman Sachs seems [...]
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