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Kremlin: Political Elite Are Trying To Smear Jeff Sessions

The Kremlin has condemned the ‘witch-hunt’ attack directed at Attorney General Jeff Sessions, who is being accused by the elitist establishment of having inappropriate contact with Russia.  Kremlin spokesman Dmitry Peskov told reporters that Russia was not aware of any contact between Sessions and Russian ambassador Sergey Kislyak, and rubbished reports that Sessions had some kind of secret pact with the Russians to influence the election. Peskov said “unfounded” speculation about Kislyak’s role should be thrown into the garbage heap, and urged reporters to be “guided only by official statements.” “We can repeat yet again that Russia has not, is not going to and will not meddle in domestic affairs, let alone election campaigns, of other nations,” he said. reports: Peskov was speaking after the Washington Post reported that Sessions had failed to disclose two meetings with Kislyak. “I don’t know the details of any meetings,” said Peskov. “(But) the ambassador’s job is to hold as many meetings as possible.” Peskov said talk of possible Russian involvement in the U.S. presidential campaign, something Moscow categorically denies, was an internal matter for the United States. But he said it served to create an atmosphere in which the idea of repairing U.S.-Russia ties [...]

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