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Illinois State Senator Pushes Bill Allowing Government To Confiscate Guns Without Due Process

Via Daniel Lang of,

There are people in our government who are determined to chip away at our Second Amendment rights, and they are an insidious bunch.

Rarely do they make blatant gun grabbing attempts. Typically they push for policies that quietly set back gun rights. They like laws that merely set precedents without alarming the public, and they’ve been doing it successfully for decades.

The latest of these attempts comes from Illinois, one of the least gun friendly states in America. State Senator Julie Morrison has proposed a bill titled SB 1291, which would allow the government to confiscate firearms from citizens without any due process. According to Breitbart:

SB 1291 would create a “Lethal Order of Protection” whereby the firearms of Illinois residents could be confiscated if a family member or “law officer” files a petition stating the gun owner “poses an immediate and present danger of causing personal injury to himself, herself, or another by having … [a firearm] in his or her custody or control.”


SB 1291’s summary states:


[The bill] provides that the petition shall also describe the type, and location of any firearm or firearms presently believed by the petitioner to be possessed or controlled by the respondent. Provides that the petitioner may be a family member of the respondent or a law enforcement officer, who files a petition alleging that the respondent poses a danger of causing personal injury to himself, herself, or another by having in his or her custody or control, owning, purchasing, possessing, or receiving a firearm. Establishes factors that the court must consider before issuing a lethal violence order of protection. Provides for the issuance of ex parte orders and one year orders.

Basically if this bill passes, then a resident of Illinois could have his or her firearms confiscated if a family member alleges that the person in question is an immediate threat to himself or others. All they have to do is file a petition and report that allegation to the government. I say allegation, because under this bill, no real proof is required to take away someone’s firearms.

Moreover, the input and presence of the person who is targeted is not required during this process. If this happened to you, it wouldn’t even be your word against theirs. You wouldn’t be able to defend yourself in court at all.

However, what may be more alarming about this bill, is it that states that a “law enforcement officer” can file one of these petitions. Does that mean that the cops could have your weapons confiscated on a whim?

The gun grabbers in our society have tried to set a lot of bad legal precedents over the years. Let’s pray that this doesn’t become one of them.