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As Stocks Soar, Americans' Economic Expectations Hit 2017 Lows

This does not fit the narrative... ignore it!

Americans’ outlook for the U.S. economy fell in December to match the weakest for the year and a weekly measure of confidence cooled to a two-month low, even as both gauges remain high by historical standards, the Bloomberg Consumer Comfort Index showed Thursday.

As Bloomberg notes, The pullback in the monthly gauge reflects an increased share of people saying the economy is getting worse, which at 34 percent is the highest since November 2016 and 6 percentage points above this year’s average.

That, along with a decline in the weekly gauge, suggests that consumer spending may not be as strong in the coming weeks as previously thought.

It could also reflect unfavorable reactions to the Republican tax legislation.

The question is - who is Bloomberg surveying? why is this survey so 'different' from the other establishment surveys?