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Welcome to the Dick Cheney Administration By Stephen M. Walt

One of the few remaining intelligent and courageous voices in America tells us that the lights are about to go out

Welcome to the Dick Cheney Administration

By Stephen M. Walt

The problem with John Bolton isn’t that he’s an extremist. It’s that he’s mainstream.

“Don’t get me wrong: I’m not trying to “normalize” this appointment or suggest that it shouldn’t concern you. Rather, I’m suggesting that if you are worried about Bolton, you should ask yourself the following question: What sort of political system allows someone with his views to serve in high office, where he helps talk the country into a disastrous war, never expresses a moment’s regret for his errors, continues to advocate for more of the same for the next decade, and then gets a second chance to make the same mistakes again?

“So by all means worry. But the real problem isn’t Bolton — it’s a system that permits people like him to screw up and move up again and again.”

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