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Slovak PM Closes The Door To Refugees: "We Don't Want What Happened In Germany To Happen Here"

Earlier today, Slovak Prime Minister Robert Fico formally stood up to the Brussels supergovernment juggernaut and said his government will not allow Muslims to create "a compact community," adding that integrating refugees is impossible.

Slovakia has a tiny Muslim community of several thousand.

Fico's government filed a legal challenge last month to a mandatory plan by the European Union to distribute migrants among members of the bloc.

Fico said Thursday his government sees what he calls a "clear link" between the waves of refugees and the Paris attacks and the sexual assaults and robberies during the New Year's Eve festivities in Germany.

He says: "We don't want what happened in Germany to happen here."

Fico says "the idea of multicultural Europe has failed" and that "the migrants cannot be integrated, it's simply impossible."

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After the past week's events in Cologne, we wonder if there is anyone left in Germany who disagrees.