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Central Banks Announce Introduction Of E Dollar

Central banks are planning to launch a new form of digital currency as governments and banks begin phasing physical cash currency out of circulation. reports: Central banks are planning to implement a new form of currency that has the potential of being an even more profound change than 1913, 1933, 1945, or 1971. I discussed an option that the government and banks might use to get us out of the monetary mess we find ourselves in, it was called the E Dollar. The E Dollar is simply a digital currency that has an exchange rate with cash. The central bank would set a rate at which old paper dollars would lose value against E Dollars held in a bank account. Under an E-Dollar system any physical cash removed from the banking system would lose value against the E Dollars retained in an account, this would effectively eliminate the zero lower bound.  Central banks would be free to implement significantly negative rates.  The E Dollar would also a carry the added optional benefit of a gradual debt jubilee if the powers that be decided to allow old debt to remain denominated in old dollars. When I saw the E Dollar as a possibility, Miles Kimball, an Economist from the University of Michigan, was the only [...]