Online Petition Calls For Bill Clinton’s Arrest

An online petition at has attracted 80,000 signatures and is demanding the arrest of former President Bill Clinton after he allegedly violated campaign laws on Super Tuesday. Bill Clinton is alleged to have used his presidential privileges by entering and disrupting voting at multiple polling stations in Boston and other Massachusetts areas on Super Tuesday, and also to have used the occasion to quietly and discreetly campaign and swing the vote on behalf of Mrs. Hillary Rodham Clinton.

Who Said It: "Donald Trump Has Shown An Extraordinary Ability To Understand Our Economy, To Create Jobs"

Who Said It: "Donald Trump Has Shown An Extraordinary Ability To Understand Our Economy, To Create Jobs"

Moments ago Mitt Romney concluded a fiery speech in which he blasted Donald Trump, accusing him of being a "con man" and asking republicans to choose anyone else. Among the point he brought up was that Trump's domestic polices would sink America into a recession, that his foreign policies would make the world less safe, and criticized Trump's personal qualities, calling him "a bully" and "a misogynist."

UK Local Council Bans Swearing In Public

Salford City Council (SCC) has launched a ban on anti social behavior in their borough by targeting foul language and imposing fines on swearing in public. The Manchester council has taken the extraordinary step of introducing a Public Space Protection Order (PSPO) in the posh Quays area of Salford. Local residents had complained to the council about unruly football fans traversing through their area on their way to Old Trafford stadium to watch a bit of footy magic by Manchester United.
