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Energy Consumption Vs. Core Populations - Trending Down Together

Energy Consumption Vs. Core Populations - Trending Down Together

Submitted by Chris Hamilton via Econimica blog,

In this article, I want to spend a little time reviewing two of the most relatively reliable data sets, population size/growth and energy consumption/growth.  I'll compare the total energy consumption of nations / groupings of nations vs. their core (25-54yr/old) employed populations and total core (25-54yr/old) populations.

India Is Not The Next China

India Is Not The Next China

Submitted by Jayant Bhandari via,

Popular Narrative

India has been the world’s favorite country for the last three years. It is believed to have superseded China as the world’s fastest growing large economy. India is expected to grow at 7.5%. Compare that to the mere 6.3% growth that China has “fallen” to.


India’s quarterly annualized GDP growth rate since 2008, according to MOSPI (statistics ministry) – click to enlarge.


Despite Majority Of Americans In Favor Of Trump Immigration Policy, 900 State Department Staff Dissent

Despite Majority Of Americans In Favor Of Trump Immigration Policy, 900 State Department Staff Dissent

Just yesterday we noted that, according to a Rasmussen poll, while the vocal, and often violent, disaffected Hillary protesters may get a lot of media attention, the silent majority of Americans, men and women who don't have time to protest 24 hours a day because they actually go to work to provide for their families, support Trump's temporary immigration ban from 7 mostly-Muslim countries in the Middle East and Africa.
