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Global Wealth Update: 0.7% Of Adults Control $116.6 Trillion In Wealth

Global Wealth Update: 0.7% Of Adults Control $116.6 Trillion In Wealth

Today Credit Suisse released its latest annual global wealth report, which traditionally lays out what is perhaps the biggest reason for the recent "anti-establishment" revulsion: an unprecedented concentration of wealth among a handful of people, as shown in its infamous global wealth pyramid, an arrangement which as observed by the "shocking" political backlash of the past few months suggests that the lower 'levels' of the pyramid are increasingly unhappy about.

Billionaire, Wall Street Democrat Added To Treasury List As More Clues Emerge On Trump Cabinet

Billionaire, Wall Street Democrat Added To Treasury List As More Clues Emerge On Trump Cabinet

Trump held meetings with several potential candidates for senior administration jobs over the weekend at his Trump National Golf Club in Bedminster, New Jersey.  While no new official announcements were made over the weekend, we did get a couple of new clues on potential appointments to key positions.

Jim Rogers Explains What He Is Doing Before "The Next Time The World Comes To An End"

Jim Rogers Explains What He Is Doing Before "The Next Time The World Comes To An End"

One week after RealVision brought us the latest Jeff Gundlach interview, in which the DoubleLine bond king explained why he is now "100% net short", on Friday Grant Williams interviewed Jim Rogers, in which George Soros' former partner (the two co-founded the Quantum Fund in 1973), is about as gloomy, warning "the next time the world comes to an end, it's going to be a bigger shock than we expect."

US Guided Missile Destroyer Enters Black Sea ‘To Promote Peace’

The USS Porter has entered the Black Sea in what the Sixth Fleet says is a routine deployment to help promote peace and stability. However, the US Navy destroyer has just been outfitted with a new missile system due to what the Navy called a “Russian threat.” RT reports: Turkish observers spotted the Porter sailing through the Bosporus on Monday, the first US Navy ship to enter the Black Sea this year.
