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If Americans elect Hillary president, the One Percent’s control will be complete — Paul Craig Roberts

If Americans elect Hillary president, the One Percent’s control will be complete

Paul Craig Roberts

Richard C. Cook thinks that Bernie Sanders could become the next president:

But could Sanders make any difference?

SocGen: "Now We Know Why The Fed Desperately Wants To Avoid A Drop In Equity Markets"

SocGen: "Now We Know Why The Fed Desperately Wants To Avoid A Drop In Equity Markets"

With the ECB now unabashedly unleashing a bond bubble in Europe of which it has promised to be a buyer of last resort with the stronly implied hint that European IG companies should issue bonds and buy back shares, and promptly leading to the biggest junk bond issue in history courtesy of Numericable, it will come as no surprise that the world once again has a debt problem.

Clinton’s Reliably Bad Foreign Policy

David Rothkopf is pleased by the foreign policy implications of Hillary Clinton’s drearily inevitable victory in the fall:

For these reasons, it is not unreasonable to assume that the manic, funhouse-mirror qualities that have made campaign 2016 so memorable and, at times, deeply disturbing are likely to be followed in 2017 by America returning to the most traditionalist, solid, dependable, foreign policy it has seen since the administration of George H.W. Bush and the fall of the Soviet Union.

Hillary Clinton: Assad, Iran And Russia Created ISIS

Democratic presidential hopeful Hillary Clinton blames the Syrian conflict on all the wrong actors. The former Secretary of State blames president Assad, Iran and Russia for creating their own nemesis, ISIS. The takfiri terrorists have been rampaging through Iraq and Syria chopping Syrian, Iraqi, Iranian and Russian affiliated heads among others, with the financial, spiritual and military backing of their Gulf supporters and their western allies, including Turkey. Hillary Clinton’s appraisal of the Syrian conflict is a serious concern for all. “You cannot be serious,” as former World No.

Strong Towns Draw Strong Citizens

I’m a long time member of the Strong Towns organization which advocates for financially solvent municipal governance. I’m also a member of the Congress for New Urbanism which strives to build walkable mixed-use neighborhoods of the kind our great grandparents would have taken for granted, but are rare indeed these days. I often ask myself what good a financially stable town is if most of the people living there are heavily leveraged and living pay check to pay check. So I have a particular fascination with people who embody the Strong Towns ethos within their own households.
