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Why I Won’t Miss Obama

Noah Millman explains why he’ll miss Obama:

Like President Eisenhower, Obama will likely leave office on a note of caution to future administrations – but one that implicitly admits his failure to address a central problem in making foreign policy that he only belatedly understood. Like President Eisenhower, that hard-won wisdom is all but certain to be ignored by his successor, who will likely be either a full-throated liberal interventionist or an erratic, impulsive nationalist.

I am going to miss him very much, no matter who follows.

U.S. Authorities Consider Mandatory Mental Health Screening For Teenagers

U.S. authorities are considering proposals by the United States Preventative Services Task Force (USPTF) to screen all teenagers in America for mental health problems – in what some are saying is a push to increase the prescription of psychiatric drugs among the population.  The USPTF recently updated their recommendations on the screening of children and teenagers for major depressive disorder (MDD) in an article in the journal Annals of Internal Medicine. They demand that children aged 12 and older be routinely screen for MDD.
