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A Counsel of Political Pessimism

The depressing truth, as it seems to me this afternoon:

1. If Trump becomes the GOP nominee, it will mean chaos and violence. Same as if he becomes president. He generates an atmosphere of thuggishness.

2. If the Social Justice Warriors prevail in shutting down Trump rallies, it will mean chaos and violence. It is chaos and violence. They are thugs, even if they are praised by the media.

3. I want Trump to beat the SJWs at their game. They are making America ungovernable.

How Israel Keeps Getting Away With Duping U.S.

Six decades and eleven presidents later; from Eisenhower to Obama, Israel has been duping U.S. presidents, using and abusing America’s power and influence for their own gain while the media dupes the public into thinking it’s for the greater good. The American Government has sacrificed countless lives and the welfare of its own people for Israel’s sake. How does this keep happening and who’s to blame? Morgan Strong, Consortium: Manipulating Icke In the 1950s, President Dwight Eisenhower was a strong supporter of the fledgling Jewish state and had supplied Israel with advanced U.S.

Top Scholar Says Common Core Math Is Making Our Children Really Dumb

The President of the National Associated of Scholars has slammed Common Core saying that its program currently implemented in schools across America is deliberately dumbing down our kids, leaving them unprepared for further education and work.  Parents and teachers alike have already criticised the Common Core States Initiative program, which was started in June 2010 as part of Obama’s Race-To-The-Top (RTTT) program. They say its method of teaching and testing hold back smart students and stifle creativity.
