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Russian Prime Minister Announces 2016 Cold War

Russian Prime Minister Dmitry Medvedev has said that relations between the West and Russia have deteriorated so badly that a new Cold War has been launched in 2016. “On an almost daily basis, we are being described the worst threat – be it to Nato as a whole, or to Europe, America or other countries,” Medvedev said. “Sometimes I wonder if this is 2016 or 1962,” he went on. BBC News reports: The Cold War was a period of ideological confrontation between the former Soviet Union and Western countries.

Experts: Prepare For Guerrilla Warfare Against Zika Mosquitoes

Scientists have warned that the explosive spread of the Zika virus across the America’s will see an increase in Guerrilla warfare style battles against mosquitoes.  Authorities fighting mosquito’s are increasingly going door-to-door, spraying neighbourhoods with insecticides in order to kill mosquitoes carrying the deadly virus. reports: Nearly a year after the first cases of Zika were diagnosed in Brazil, the virus, which is suspected to cause birth defects and other neurological problems, is bearing down on American shores.

The Heady Wine of Trumpism

Reader, I drank it. And I did so in the company of a distinguished Catholic philosopher. It wasn’t pretty good. The conversation was much better.

At dinner earlier Friday night in Charlottesville, there was some conversation about Donald Trump. I didn’t check everybody’s party registration card, but I’m fairly certain that everyone around the table was conservative, and there was a great deal of concern about Donald Trump. I floated the idea that C.P. Cavafy’s poem “Waiting For the Barbarians” may explain Trump. Here’s the poem:
