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Donald Trump To Start Suing His GOP Opponents

Republican front-runner Donald Trump is thinking of suing his GOP opponents and making a quick buck from the 2016 U.S. presidential race. The billionaire businessman and American success story has got the Grand Old Party by the balls. The Donald is “seriously thinking” about starting the litigation ball rolling by first accusing his GOP rival Senator Ted Cruz of being a foreigner and a liar.

Turkey Will "Definitely" Join Ground Operation In Syria, Accuses Russia Of "War Crimes"

Turkey Will "Definitely" Join Ground Operation In Syria, Accuses Russia Of "War Crimes"

Turkey shelled Syria for a fourth consecutive day on Tuesday as Ankara steps up efforts to bolster rebels in the face of an advance by the Kurdish YPG. “As many as 150 terrorists were killed during the 4-day-long shelling targeting PYD points,” the pro-government Yeni Safak wrote today, adding that “the PYD, backed by both the US and Russia, is working with President Bashar al-Assad to control areas along the Turkish border.”

A Letter From Trump’s America

The e-mail below just came in. I’m not going to use the reader’s name or geographical location, and have altered slightly a couple of lines, to protect the reader’s privacy:

I hardly know why I am writing to you except that I think you’re a good listener. You treat your readers very kindly. And on the internet to boot!

War is coming and Trump is one of the first indicators from our side.

Leave Scalia’s Chair Vacant

It is a measure of the stature and the significance of Justice Antonin Scalia that, upon the news of his death at a hunting lodge in Texas, Washington was instantly caught up in an unseemly quarrel over who would succeed him.

But no one can replace Justice Scalia.

He was a giant among jurists. For a third of a century, he led the conservative wing of the high court, creating a new school of judicial thought called “originalism.”
