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"This Is A Racket" Kucinich Warns "We Must Challenge The 'Two-Party Duopoly' Committed To War

"This Is A Racket" Kucinich Warns "We Must Challenge The 'Two-Party Duopoly' Committed To War

Authored by Adam Dick via The Ron Paul Institute for Peace & Prosperity,

In a new interview with host Jesse Ventura at RT, former United States presidential candidate and House of Representatives Member Dennis Kucinich stressed the importance of the American people challenging the “two-party duopoly that’s committed to war.”

Trump Proposes IQ Test With Tillerson To Find Out Who Is The Real Moron

Trump Proposes IQ Test With Tillerson To Find Out Who Is The Real Moron

President Donald Trump could sit down for lunch with a reanimated Albert Einstein and - if challenged - would still boast about being the smartest person in the room.  

Trump reaffirmed in an interview with Forbes that he believes reports that Tillerson once privately called him a “fucking moron” aren’t true. But in any event - just in case - a quick IQ test should be enough to repudiate any lingering doubts about the president’s superior intellect.

Home Depot Panics Over Millennials; Forced To Host Tutorials On Using Tape Measures, Hammering Nails

As wall street analysts celebrate the coming of age of the millennial generation, a group of young people who were supposed to lead another revolutionary wave of consumerism if only they could work long enough to escape their parents' basement, retailers like Home Depot are panicked about selling into what will soon be America's largest demographic...but not for the reasons you might think. 

"The Prices Are Insane": You Know It's Bad When Used Private Jet Prices Are Crashing

"The Prices Are Insane": You Know It's Bad When Used Private Jet Prices Are Crashing

America’s wealthiest have never been richer, thanks to 9 years of Federal Reserve "wealth creation" which has favored the top 1%, leading to an imbalance in wealth accumulation that has resulted in a record split between the haves and have nots. In fact, as the Fed admitted two weeks ago, the top 1% of Americans are 70% wealthier than the bottom 90%.
