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Second Company Decides To Pull NFL Ads Over Continued Protests

Second Company Decides To Pull NFL Ads Over Continued Protests

From the very first Trump tweet, and each successive show of solidarity from league executives and owners since, we've maintained that the NFL was fighting a losing battle by politicizing their content.  As we've said before, while 100% of Americans may be able to agree that they love watching football, roughly 50% are going to disagree with whatever political view, whether right or left, that league executive, players and/or owners decide to publicly cram down their throats.

Vegas Killer Used "Bump-Stock" To Create Automatic Fire, Purchased Guns Legally

Vegas Killer Used "Bump-Stock" To Create Automatic Fire, Purchased Guns Legally

Before any information had been released about the shooter’s identity, or where and how he acquired the arsenal of 42 guns, 23 of which were eventually discovered in his hotel room, one Connecticut senator was already making headlines by exhorting Congress to “get off its ass” and pass gun-control legislation, officially marking the beginning of another contentious chapter in America's perennial gun-control debate.

"Innovative Mortgages": Lennar Lures Millennials With Offer To Repay Student Loans

"Innovative Mortgages": Lennar Lures Millennials With Offer To Repay Student Loans

Homebuilder Lennar has come up with a genius strategy to partially eliminate the massive bubble in student loans that has crippled recent graduates and forced them into a life devoid of the American dream of home's a "two birds with one stone" kind of solution.  Yes, rather than struggle to make those monthly student loan payments, Lennar has developed an "innovative mortgage" designed to allow millennials the opportunity to convert their student debt into an "investment" in America's "Housing Bubble 2.0."
