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3 Ways To Help Puerto Rico Right Now

3 Ways To Help Puerto Rico Right Now

Authord by Ryan McMaken via The Mises Institute,

There is a lot to learn from the slow and painful post-hurricane recovery that is going on in Puerto Rico right now.

One of Puerto Rico's biggest problems is that it is by far, one of poorest areas of the United States. The median household income in Puerto Rico is approximately $18,600. The median household income in the United States, by contrast, is around $57,000.

Congress Relying On Debunked "Guilt By Association" Online Tool To Track "Russian Influence"

Congress Relying On Debunked "Guilt By Association" Online Tool To Track "Russian Influence"

As we previously warned, the latest McCarthyite scam called "Hamilton 68" is increasingly serving as a go-to source for major media outlets and more disturbingly, now even members of Congress. This week Republican Senator James Lankford (Oklahoma) added another layer to the seemingly endless 'Russiagate' conspiracies - he claimed Wednesday during a hearing on threats faced by the US that Russia is using the NFL anthem kneeling controversy to drive a wedge through the American populace.

Weekend Reading: Tax Cut Wish List

Weekend Reading: Tax Cut Wish List

Authored by Lance Roberts via,

On Wednesday, the President announced his plan to cut taxes for Americans, return jobs to America and return the country to economic prosperity.

It’s a tall order to fill, and the proposed tax reform is a “Christmas Wish List” that will have to checked twice to determine which parts are “naughty” and “nice.”

As I pointed out yesterday,

NFL Favorability Crashes

According to a new POLITICO/Morning Consult poll, the National Football League is seen as more unfavorable than ever before

"The NFL's net favorability has dropped from 30% on September 21 to 17% on September 28," the poll shows.

Do you have a favorable or unfavorable impression of the following - National Football League?

Source: Morning Consult Intelligence

Among Trump supporters, as would be expected, the collapse is remarkable...

Source: Morning Consult Intelligence
