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The Most Expensive Cities To Live In Across The Globe

The Most Expensive Cities To Live In Across The Globe

'Exceptional' America is no longer the home of the world's most expensive city in which to live and work. As the latest report from the World Economic Forum finds, the honor of the priciest place to reside is the United Kingdom's capital - London. At £80,777 (~$120,000) per person per year, "The Big Smoke" is twice as costly as Los Angeles or Sydney...

London has topped the list since June 2014...


However, all is not lost for USA, USA, USA!

Patrick Buchanan: At Last, America First!

Submitted by Patrick Buchanan via,

Whether the establishment likes it or not, and it evidently does not, there is a revolution going on in America.

The old order in this capital city is on the way out, America is crossing a great divide, and there is no going back.

Donald Trump’s triumphant march to the nomination in Cleveland, virtually assured by his five-state sweep Tuesday, confirms it, as does his foreign policy address of Wednesday.

US Treasury Gives Explicit Warning To China, Germany And Japan Not To Devalue Their Currencies

While the US Treasury's semi-annual report on the foreign-exchange policies of major U.S. trading partners has traditionally been, pardon the pun, a paper tiger, as the US has not named a single country as a currency manipulator since it did so to China in 1994, and it didn't go so far as to blame any country as an outright manipulator in the just released April edition, there was a new addition to the latest report.

Words on the Street

Starting this week, New Urbs will be regularly collecting the best content we’ve read each week that we didn’t publish—but would have. Read something you think should make the cut? E-mail Jon Coppage or tag @NewUrbs with the link on Twitter.

“Reclaiming Redneck Urbanism” via MarketUrbanism

By combining these liberal land-use regulations with narrow streets shared by all users, we ironically find in many trailer parks a kind of traditional urban design more common in European and Japanese cities.

China's Most Innovative Capital Outflow Yet: Buying Legendary Italian Football Club AC Milan

China's Most Innovative Capital Outflow Yet: Buying Legendary Italian Football Club AC Milan

With the Chinese government having dramatically clamped down on various forms of capital flight in recent months (incidentally, a key driver for the surge in the price of bitcoin over the past year), Chinese residents have been coming up with increasingly more innovative forms of capital flight. One, noted previously, has been the unprecedented scramble to purchase foreign companies with no regard for price. After all, if the only intention is to have a legal basis to ship funds offshore, and debt investors willing to foot the bill, why not.
