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The One Percent Democrats

Some of you have been sending me evidence for the Democrats: The Party Of The Rich file. Check this out:

1. Phillips Andover Academy, the posh New England prep school that once educated the children of the Republican elites, has now flipped: 

Andover Academy has changed, reflecting national political trends. Instead of the children of the nation’s GOP corporate leaders, the school now educates the children of a professional, and largely Democratic, elite.

World's Most Exclusive Club

World's Most Exclusive Club

Today I received in the mail the State of California Primary Voter's Guide, which the Secretary of State prints up by the millions and sends to every blessed citizen. I was expecting a few boring candidate statements of the U.S. Senate - AKA the World's Most Exclusive Club - but, boy, was I wrong. Just take a look at some of these gems.

The Real Redcoats

A few paces west of the public beach in Yorktown, Virginia, is a little cave looking out toward the water. We all know Yorktown from history class. This is where, in October 1781, the British army commanded by Lord Cornwallis surrendered to the Americans under General George Washington and the French under the Comte de Rochambeau.

Donald Trump’s Foreign Policy Speech — Paul Craig Roberts

Donald Trump’s Foreign Policy Speech

Paul Craig Roberts

Readers and foreign news organizations are asking me the meaning of Donald Trump’s foreign policy speech.

On the surface, his speech is contradictory. Trump says he will rebuild US military might so that America will always be first. Yet Trump emphasizes that “we want to live peacefully and in friendship with Russia and China.”

In a multi-polar world, there is no first country.
