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Why 'Good' Jobs Matter (In 1 Recovery-Crushing Chart)

Why 'Good' Jobs Matter (In 1 Recovery-Crushing Chart)

Initial jobless claims continue to hover at 43 year lows, suggesting that everything is awesome in America - just ask President Obama. So why is US GDP not growing at 3.0%-plus as the 'models' would suggest? Simple - because job 'quality' matters and the chart below should slap that into the face of fiction-peddlers across the nation...



Surging minimum-wage employment amid plunging manufacturing jobs - now that is a legacy to be proud of.

The Future Of America? – More Than Half Of All Adults Under-30 Now Reject Capitalism

Submitted by Michael Snider via The Economic Collapse blog,

A shocking new survey has found that support for capitalism is dying in America.  In fact, more than half of all adults in the United States under the age of 30 say that they do not support capitalism at this point.  You might be tempted to dismiss them as “foolish young people”, but the truth is that they are the future of America. As older generations die off, they will eventually become the leaders of this country. 

Denmark's "Recipe For integration" - Segregated Swimming Hours!

Denmark's "Recipe For integration" - Segregated Swimming Hours!

Following the surge in sexual assaults in Swedish swimming pools, and helpful leafletting, refugee "integration" efforts across European nations have taken a turn for the worse - despite all the politically-correct jawboning. First the German town of Bornheim banned adult male asylum seekers from the public pool, but now, the Danish capital of Copenhagen has taken a leaf out of 1960s America and introduced segegrated hours for boys and girls after a huge number of immigrants suddenly took up swimming in the refugee-heavy district of Tingbjerg.
