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America's Millennial Dream: Making 20% Less & Drowning In Debt

America's Millennial Dream: Making 20% Less & Drowning In Debt

Millennials have now overtaken baby boomers as America's largest living generation according to Pew Research. Millennials as defined by Pew as ages 18-34 now number 75.4 million, slightly edging out Baby Boomers (ages 51-69) numbering 74.9 million. 



Millennials also have a few other things going for them, however not in a good way.

As the WSJ reports, Millennials in New York City are earning about 20% less than the previous generation of workers, and they are absolutely drowning in $14 billion in debt.

This Is What Might Start World War 3

Forget about ISIS – the real threat of World War 3 won’t begin on the battleground using conventional military equipment, but rather it will start in cyberspace, according to former member of the United States House of Representatives, Allen West. reports: Tuesday the 26th of April is recognized as World Intellectual Property (IP) Day. According to the Global Intellectual Property Center (GIPC) at the U.S.

Censored, Surveilled, Watch-Listed, & Jailed: The Absurd Citizenry Of The American Police State

Submitted by John Whitehead via The Rutherford Institute,

“You had to live - did live, from habit that became instinct - in the assumption that every sound you made was overheard, and, except in darkness, every movement scrutinized.”—George Orwell, 1984

In past ages, those who dared to speak out against tyranny - viewed as an act of treason - were blinded, castrated, disfigured, mutilated, rendered mute by having their tongues cut out of their heads, and ultimately crucified.

Following The "Sell-Off" Gundlach Is Starting To Buy Treasuries

This afternoon Jeffrey Gundlach held one of his periodic interviews with Reuters' Jenna Ablan in which he said that the selloff in Treasuries is over and that investors looking to purchase Treasuries in the wake of the bond market's sell-off - if one can call a move in the 10Y to 1.91% a selloff - are making a prudent move. "I think it is a reasonable strategy to start legging into the Treasury market."
