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Earnings Season So Far: 27 Of 42 Reporting Companies Cite "Trump" Or "Administration"

Earnings Season So Far: 27 Of 42 Reporting Companies Cite "Trump" Or "Administration"

Earlier we reported that according to Goldman, virtually all of its investing clients are "anxious" and/or unsettled" due to rising confusion over Trump policies. As Goldman explained, "'Unsettled' is our best description of fund managers’ mindset as the new administration takes office. During an extensive series of client meetings in the US, Europe and Asia, it became apparent that investors are confused about how to best position portfolios under a Trump presidency... Policy uncertainty was a topic of concern raised in every client meeting.

Bitcoin and Gold – Outlook and Safe Haven?

Bitcoin and Gold – Outlook and Safe Haven?

Bitcoin and Gold – Outlook, Volatility and Safe Haven Diversification

– Recent performance of Bitcoin and Gold– Price outlook– Bitcoin, China and capital flight– Exchanges of value?– Can bitcoin rival gold as a safe haven?– ‘Bitcoin vs Gold’ or ‘bitcoin and gold’?– Importance of diversification– Conclusion: A monetary and financial revolution?

Recent performance of bitcoin and gold

Pepe Escobar: Here's How The Trump Presidency Will Play Out

Authored by Pepe Escobar via The Saker,

The Trump era starts now – with geopolitics and geoeconomics set for a series of imminent, unpredictable cliffhangers.

I have argued that Trump’s foreign policy guru Henry Kissinger’s strategy to deal with the formidable Eurasia integration trio – Russia, China and Iran – is a remixed Divide and Rule; seduce Russia away from its strategic partnership with China, while keep harassing the weakest link, Iran.
