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Baltic Dry

Do Any Of The Current Rallies Pass "The Sniff Test"? (Spoiler Alert: No!)

Do Any Of The Current Rallies Pass "The Sniff Test"? (Spoiler Alert: No!)

Submitted by Charles Hugh-Smith of OfTwoMinds blog,

But you can't tame the monster of speculative, legalized looting and financialization.

Everything from iron ore to copper to the Baltic Dry Index to stocks to bat guano is rallying. The problem is not a single rally passes "the sniff test:" is the rally the result of changing fundamentals, or is it merely short-covering and/or speculative hot money leaping from one rally to the next?

Markets Ignore Fundamentals And Chase Headlines Because They Are Dying

Submitted by Brandon Smith via,

Normalcy bias is a rather horrifying thing. It is so frightening because it is so final; much like death, there is simply no coming back. Rather than a physical death, normalcy bias represents the death of reason and simple observation. It is the death of the mind and cognitive thought instead of the death of the body.

Why The Keynesian Market Wreckers Are Now Coming For Your Ben Franklins

Why The Keynesian Market Wreckers Are Now Coming For Your Ben Franklins

Submitted by David Stockman via Contra Corner blog,

Larry Summers is a pretentious Keynesian fool, but I refer to him as the Great Thinker’s Vicar on Earth for a reason. To wit, every time the latest experiment in Keynesian intervention fails - as 84 months of ZIRP and massive QE clearly have - he can be counted on to trot out a new angle on why still another interventionist experiment or state sponsored financial fraud is just the ticket.
