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Baltic Dry

Too Many... Convenient Beliefs

Too Many... Convenient Beliefs

Submitted by Bill Bonner of Bonner & Partners (annotated by's Pater Tenebrarum),

“Massive Deterioration” – Worse Than 2008

The Dow is down by almost 9% since the start of the year.

“These developments, if they prove persistent, could weigh on the outlook for economic activity…” proffered a nervous-looking Janet Yellen in her testimony on Capitol Hill. She was signaling to investors.

Smoke signals…

Crunch Time?

Crunch Time?

Submitted by Paul Bordsky via,

It seems monetary policy is exhausted and the next exogenous lever to pull would be political fiscal initiatives. If/when they fail to stimulate demand, there would be only one avenue left – currency devaluation. If/when confidence in the mightiest currency wanes, we would expect the US dollar to be devalued too - not against other fiat currencies, but against a relatively scarce Fed asset.

Seriously Squirrely

World's Biggest Containership "Hard Aground" As Baltic Dry Crashes Below 300 For First Time Ever

Before this year the lowest level The Baltic Dry Index had reached was 556 in August of 1986 and the highest was in June 2008 at a stunning 11,612. Today saw the freight index hit a new milestone however, crashing through the 300 barrier for the first time ever - at 298, this is almost 50% below the previous record low.


Commodities obviously are saying something very different from "the market"...
