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Inflation 101: Prep School For Preppers

Submitted by Danielle DiMartino Booth via Money Strong,

Mention Preppies and visions of Izods with popped collars and boat shoes may come to mind. The Official Preppy Handbook, published in 1980, regaled readers with the “merits of pink and green,” instructing that, “socks are frequently not worn on sporting occasions or on social occasions for that matter. This provides a year-round beachside look that is so desirable that comfort may be set aside.”

Will San Diego Help End The NFL's Addiction To Taxpayer Money?

Submitted by Brittany Hunter via The Mises Institute,

Cheering for the home team can unify communities divided by politics, economics, and personal differences. However, this unification can come at a high cost, one that will inevitably fall to the taxpayer. While it is typical for professional athletic associations to use tax dollars to pay for their stadiums, arenas, or other venues of choice, public subsidies are not the only means to this end, nor are they the most efficient.

The War on Cash Is Going to Send Gold to $5000 or Higher

The War on Cash Is Going to Send Gold to $5000 or Higher

The financial world is awash with claims that the Gold bull market is over.

For certain the sell-off in the precious metal has been brutal with Gold taking out critical support.

However, worries about the precious metals’ bull market are overdone.

First of all, Gold is a very volatile asset class. This is obvious, but you’d be amazed how many investors forget this. It is not uncommon for Gold to move 3% in a single day. And 5% weekly moves are not uncommon.

Why Did Gold Plunge After The Trump Victory?

Why Did Gold Plunge After The Trump Victory?


It has been almost two  weeks since Donald Trump has been voted into the White House and the mass media is finally getting their heads around his victory. Most analysts (well, actually all of them) predicted a victory for Trump would be excellent for the precious metals prices, but even though the gold price increased to almost $1350 when the votes were being counted, we closed last week approximately $150/oz lower and the gold price was barely able to hold the $1200 level.

