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Netflix Now Has More Subscribers Than Cable

Netflix Now Has More Subscribers Than Cable

Despite going all-in on Adam Sandler content – a bizarre choice - Netflix has managed to continue growing its subscriber base, recently reaching a new milestone: It now has more paying customers than Comcast Corp., Charter Communications and all other US cable companies combined.

As Forbes reports, Netflix now has 50.85 million subscribers, surpassing cable's 48.61 million. There is one caveat, though: Cable’s total doesn’t include minor cable networks, which could amount to 5% of total customers.

DOJ Moves To Seize DiCaprio's Picasso, Rights To "Dumb and Dumber To" As Part Of 1MDB Case

As part of the ongoing money-laundering probe of Malaysia's sovereign wealth fund, 1MDB, which is perhaps best known for Goldman's enabling and participation in what may end up being one of the world's biggest, multi-billion, cross-border embezzlement schemes, on Thursday the DOJ moved to seize a Picasso and Basquiat paintings given to Leonardo DiCaprio, as well as rights to two Hollywood comedies, in complaints filed to recover about $540 million they say was "stolen" from 1MDB (with Goldman's help).
