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The U.S. Uses Illegal Chemical Weapons …

Both the New York Times and Washington Post confirm that the U.S. used white phosphorous in densely populated Iraq and Syria.

Why does this matter?

The use of white phosphorus is a war crime under international treaties and domestic U.S. laws. For example, the Battle Book, published by the U.S. Command and General Staff College at Fort Leavenworth, Kansas, contains the following sentence:

It is against the law of land warfare to employ WP [i.e. white phosphorous] against personnel targets.

CNN Fires Host Who Called Trump A "Piece Of Shit"

It's going from bad to worse for "unbiased" CNN staffers who just happen to have a vendetta with the president.

Last week, after the latest London terrorist attack, in response to a Trump tweet suggesting that the terrorist attack is confirmation of the need for Trump's "travel ban", CNN host Reza Aslan flipped out, and slammed the president on Twitter, saying in a since deleted tweet, "This piece of shit is not just an embarrassment to America and a stain on the presidency. He's an embarrassment to humankind."

Comey Slams NY Times' Fake News On Russia Probe: "Story Was Almost Entirely Wrong"

Comey Slams NY Times' Fake News On Russia Probe: "Story Was Almost Entirely Wrong"

For those of you who continue to consume anonymously-sourced news from the likes of CNN, NYT, WAPO, etc, as pure fact and a perfect substitute for actual, unbiased journalism, while blindly ignoring the overwhelming evidence which continues to suggest these outlets are simply pushing a sensationalized narrative aimed at bringing down an administration of which they disapprove, please consider Comey's testimony from earlier today in which he describes a February NY Times story, which alleged numerous contacts between Trump associates and Russia, as "almost entirely wrong"

Was CNN Caught Staging Fake News? Network Trots Out Anti-ISIS Muslims In Scripted Outrage After London Attacks

Was CNN Caught Staging Fake News? Network Trots Out Anti-ISIS Muslims In Scripted Outrage After London Attacks

Submitted by ZeroPointNow

Update: CNN Responds Below

Update 2: Same protesters, multiple locations?

Being one of the more inept tentacles of the deep state, CNN was apparently caught staging Fake News in the aftermath of the ISIS claimed London attacks which claimed 7 lives and injured 48.

Liberals Outraged After Bill Maher Says "I'm A House Ni**er"

We may have hit the moment of "peak outrage."

After months of liberal anger focused on Trump in particular, and the conservative right in general which culminated with last week's unfortunate attempt at "humor" by Kathy Griffin, in which a severed Donald Trump head reportedly cost her her career (in her own words), overnight Bill Maher did his best to take the heat off of Griffin by focusing the next round of social outrage - especially that emanating from the left - on himself.
