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Sarah Sanders Blasts CNN For "Fake News"; Sparks Epic Meltdown From 'Triggered' Reporter

After suffering through a series of complete embarrassments this week (and it's only Tuesday) it should surprise almost no one that CNN, and it's constant barrage of "fake news", took center stage at today's White House press briefing.  Unfortunately, after a seemingly delusional reporter made the mistake of asking why the White House wasn't satisfied with CNN's recent dismissal of 3 'journalists', as if that was supposed to suddenly absolve them from months of reporting fake news in a thinly-veiled effort to topple a Presidency, Sarah Huckabee Sanders decided to launch an epic rant that wi

CNN Exposed In Undercover Sting - Producer Admits Russia Story Fake News Pushed For Ratings

CNN Exposed In Undercover Sting - Producer Admits Russia Story Fake News Pushed For Ratings

Content originally published at

The investigative journalists at Project Veritas has done it again! Known for their undercover sting operations, such as the one which exposed the DNC's highly organized network of professional agitators sent to disrupt Trump rallies, voter fraud, or the undercover operation which led to the arrests of Antifa thugs planning to disrupt an the inauguration "deploraball" event.

This time, the organization led by James O'Keefe has infiltrated CNN...

Three CNN Employees 'Resign' Over 'Russia Collusion' Fake News Retraction

 Three CNN Employees 'Resign' Over 'Russia Collusion' Fake News Retraction

A few days ago we noted that CNN was forced to retract one of their bombshell 'Russian collusion' stories when it was apparently revealed that the whole thing was nothing more than their latest, anonymously-sourced fake news debacle.  Like most CNN stories on the topic, this one carried a salacious title ("Congress was investigating a Russian investment fund with ties to Trump officials") which implied some nefarious plot by the Trump administration to stage a coup in the United States. 
