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Is The NYT a Failed Newspaper Sustained By CIA Subsidies?

NYT Anti-Trump Jihad

by Stephen Lendman

The Times represents pro-Hillary dark forces militantly against Trump – denigrating him relentlessly, featuring advocacy, not real journalism.

Daily feature stories vilify him, going way beyond justifiable criticism. The self-styled newspaper of record mocks fair and balanced reporting, absent on its pages.

It supports US imperial madness, neoliberal harshness harming the nation’s most vulnerable, and police state targeting of nonbelievers.

Youtube’s Biggest Personality, PewDiePie, Wrongly Defamed for Being an Anti-Semite

PewdiePie used to do videos about video games, luring 53 million youngsters to subscribe to his channel -- making it the biggest channel on Youtube ever, by a very large margin.

Recently, he's been dropping redpills on his subs, discussing media hypocrisy, with a slight conservative bent. He did a comedy video about Hitler and the result was manufactured outrage, spawned by a Wall Street Journal article and subsequent cancellation of a deal he had with Disney.

Which "Fake News" Outlets Does Trump Troll The Most On Twitter

Which "Fake News" Outlets Does Trump Troll The Most On Twitter

It should come as a surprise to precisely zero people that Trump has a "strained" relationship with several mainstream media outlets, especially the "Failing" New York Times and "Fake News" CNN.  But a new study of Trump's tweets, conducted by Axios, reveals once and for all who the President hates on the most.   

And the winner is....The "Failing" New York Times by a hair with CNN securing a close runner-up position.


With that, here is a sample of some of our favorite Trump Twitter Trolls of the media just since election day...

Hollywood Elite Lecture Public About “Oppression” At The Grammys

On Sunday night, the elite of Hollywood gathered at the Grammys to lecture ordinary working American’s about how oppressed they are living their millionaire lifestyles.  The 2017 Grammy Award ceremony saw an unrelenting attack directed at President Donald Trump, as the out-of-touch elites urged the public to revolt against their democratically elected leader.
