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1,000s Of Sea Creatures Mysteriously Washed Up Dead In Canada

Thousands of herring, starfish, lobster and crabs have mysteriously washed up dead on some Canadian beaches. Officials have been struggling to find why so many of sea creatures turned up dead on some beaches along the Bay of Fundy near Digby, Nova Scotia. Tests, so far, tests have found nothing out of the ordinary in the sea. RT reports: “We have ruled out the usual suspects,” said Kent Smedbol, manager of population ecology for Canada’s Department of Fisheries and Oceans (DFO), after scientists went out and examined the bay on Thursday.

"This Would Cross Our Red Line" - Chinese Military Considering Measures To "Cripple" Taiwan

While Donald Trump is tweeting his new year's greetings to his friends, and especially enemies, China is thinking three weeks ahead to the day the president-elect is officially inaugurated, and is worried what that could mean for a suddenly empowered Taiwan, whose outreach to Trump now means that the long-standing "One China" policy is now a topic of negotiation.  As a result, Reuters reports that China's military, alarmed by Trump's support of Taiwan, is considering strong measures to prevent the island from moving toward independence.

Millions Of Bees Quietly Killed In South Carolina Over Christmas

Millions of bees in South Carolina were quietly exterminated over the Christmas holidays as part of a Zika virus pesticide spraying campaign.  Farmers reported seeing millions of dead worker bees littering their farms, noting that the pattern of deaths matched acute pesticide poisoning. reports: By one estimate, at a single Bee Farm in Summerville, 46 hives died on the spot, totaling around 2.5 million bees.

Duterte Likes Tossing Criminals Out Of Helicopters

President Rodrigo Duterte says he once threw out a kidnapper from a helicopter when he was mayor of Davao and would not mind doing it again. The hard-man president of the Philippines has already admitted killing suspected criminals and now says he will impose the same punishment on corrupt officials. reports: “If you are corrupt, I will fetch you with a helicopter and I will throw you out on the way to Manila,” Duterte said, as cited by the Philippine Star newspaper.

Eminent Scientist Debunks Conventional Climate Change Science

One of the world’s leading scientists, Freeman Dyson, has gone on the recored to ‘debunk’ conventional man-made climate change research, which he says is “completely false”. Dyson worked on some of America’s greatest top secret projects, including the infamous Manhattan Project, and was closely connected  to the work of the scientist that created the Hydrogen bomb yet throughout his career he has never allowed politics to conflate the undermining science that defines his legacy. Dyson opposed the Vietnam War, the Gulf War and the invasion of Iraq.
