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Why Is Deadstream Media Ignoring GMO Studies?

Academic research carried out on genetically modified (GM) food is either rife with conflicts of interest (in favour of GMO corporations and their products), or when it shows negative health impacts for consumers, is ignored by corporate media. Either way, using the public in a mass experiment to promote GMO’s only enriches the GM crop industry and their subsidiaries in academia. Humans together with the bees and the flora and fauna are being used in a massive experiment that has in store unforeseen consequences for them all. Despite new research indicating health concerns and conflicts of interest related to Genetically Modified foods, the corporate media has, once again, remained silent. Activist Post reports: In late December, a series of studies and news stories went largely unreported and ignored by the corporate, deadstream media. These reports covered blatant conflicts of interest between the biotechnology corporations promoting genetically modified or engineered products and the researchers and politicians guiding legal policy. There was also the issue of a new study that shows negative health affects with rats who ingest genetically engineered food. This study, Effect of genetically modified corn on the jejunal mucosa of adult male albino rat, which was published in the journal [...]

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