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Japanese Earthquake Survivors Report Being Haunted By Tsunami Ghosts

Survivors of the 2011 Japanese tsunami continue to report sightings of what they have dubbed ‘tsunami ghosts’ five years after the devastating earthquake that killed over 20,000 people in Japan.  NPR’s Rachel Martin interviews Richard Lloyd Parry of The Times of London about this phenomena: reports: RACHEL MARTIN, HOST: It’s been a little more than three years since the biggest earthquake in Japan’s history, a quake that caused an unforgettable tsunami that killed some 20,000 people. But the earthquake also had quieter consequences that didn’t make headlines.

Europe And Russia Launch Rocket To Find Life On Mars

The European Space Agency in collaboration with Roscosmos have launched a joint mission to explore the atmosphere of Mars and hunt for signs of life. The ExoMars Trace Gas Orbiter (TGO) took off from Baikonur in Kazakhstan on Monday and is due to reach the red planet in October. The Scotsman reports: The probe will investigate whether methane in the Martian atmosphere is coming from a geological source or is being produced by microbes. If all goes well, the two space powers expect to follow up this venture with a rover, to be assembled in the UK, which will drill into the surface.

Stonehenge Discovered Under Lake Michigan

A researcher has found a Stonehenge style megalithic site at the bottom of Lake Michigan, alongside a boulder with a prehistoric carving of a mastodon.  Mark Holley, professor of underwater archeology at Northwestern Michigan University College, discovered the megalithic site as he travelled across the lake in a ship equipped with sonar technology to examine old shipwrecks. reports: While combing Grand Traverse Bay they observed unique rock formations resembling Stonehenge, and rocks with strange engravings, one which Holley believes to be a Mastodon.
