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Historic Chemtrails Lawsuit Filed In Canada

An historic lawsuit has been filed in Canada in an effort to expose and halt the practise of chemtrails being sprayed into the atmosphere.  The suit claims that the Canadian and US governments are conducting a geoengineering program that aims to spray toxic substances and particles into the atmosphere – endangering the lives of millions of citizens. reports: For over a year has been communicating with and forwarding data to Canadian attorneys (in addition to the US team of attorneys we are working with) in the effort to get legal action in motion. This effort has now reached fruition, Geoengineering Watch wishes to express our most sincere gratitude to the attorneys in Canada (and the US attorneys) for their diligent and ongoing work in this most critical battle. Excerpts from the Canadian legal filing are below. CLAIM Nature of the Proceeding: 1. This is a mass-tort and environmental Proposed Class Proceeding in respect of the spraying into the atmosphere of toxic substances and particulates by the Defendant that is dangerous to human health, destructive to the environment, and has caused meaningful economic damages. A Declaration that the aerial discharge of coal fly ash and/or other contaminants contravenes the Canadian Environmental Protection Act and [...]