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Toxic Chemicals Found In Several Tampon & Sanitary Towel Brands

Several brands of tampons and sanitary towels sold in France have been found to contain toxic chemicals. Tampax tampons and Always sanitary towels (both owned by Proctor & Gamble) are among the feminine hygiene products that may contain potentially toxic residues according to a study by 60 Millions de Consommateurs magazine. The study found traces of chemicals including dioxins and insecticides in five out of eleven products tested.

Bill Gates: The World’s Deadliest Animals Are Mosquitoes

According to philanthropist and Microsoft creator Bill Gates, when it comes to killing humans the world most deadliest animals are not sharks, snakes, crocodiles, not even other human beings… It is the blood sucking and disease transmitting mosquito. “No other animal even comes close,” says Gates… I wonder if he meant the genetically modified mozzies? Gates Notes reports: What would you say is the most dangerous animal on Earth? Sharks? Snakes? Humans? Of course the answer depends on how you define dangerous. Personally I’ve had a thing about sharks since the first time I saw Jaws.

Brazil Plans To Unleash Radiation To Kill Zika Mosquitoes

Brazil have announced plans to tackle the Zika virus outbreak by unleashing gamma rays on millions of male mosquitoes in order to sterilise them and stop the spread of the virus.  The radiation device, known as the ‘irradiator’, will be shipped by the Atomic Energy Agency as soon as Brazilian authorities issue an import permit for it. reports: “It’s a birth control method, the equivalent of family planning for humans,” said Kostas Bourtzis, a molecular biologist with the IAEA’s insect pest control laboratory.

Bizarre Ocean ‘Buzzing’ Sound Is Solved By Experts

The mystery of a ‘buzzing’ sound coming from deep in the Pacific Ocean has been solved by scientists. Large parts of the ocean are humming with the sound of fish flatulence as they migrate to different depths looking for food and shelter. The Mirror reports: Marine experts believe they may have discovered the noise is linked to something very natural but just a little bit rude – fish farts – that happen at dusk and dawn.
