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Zika Virus Officially A ‘Pandemic’ – National Institutes Of Health

The National Institutes of Health has officially declared that the Zika virus outbreak is at pandemic levels, as the World Health Organization (WHO) have warned that the virus could infect four million people in the months ahead.  The virus has spread to at least 23 countries so far, including the U.S., with 31 cases in eleven states over the last few months. reports: The virus, first discovered in the Zika Forest in Uganda in the 1940s, is linked to serious birth defects. “Questions abound,” WHO director Margaret Chan said.

Is Zika Virus Or The Tdap Vaccine Causing Birth Defects In Brazil?

The Zika virus has been known to infect people in Africa, South and Central America and Asia for more than 70 years without causing any birth defects. The Brazilian government recently declared an emergency after 2,400 babies were found to be born with shrunken heads and brain defects believed to be linked to mosquitoes carrying the Zika Virus….

Zika Virus Is Spreading ‘Explosively’ Says Head Of WHO

The Zika virus is “is now spreading explosively” the head of the World Health Organization said on Thursday, announcing that WHO has called an emergency committee meeting on Monday to to decide if the outbreak should be declared an international health emergency. At a special briefing in Geneva,the WHO director general Margaret Chan, said It was “deeply concerning” that the virus had now been detected in 23 countries in the Americas. US officials said the country had two potential candidates for a vaccine, and might begin clinical trials in people by the end of this year.

Looking For A Job? The Queen Needs A New Helicopter Pilot

The Queen is looking for a helicopter pilot, even though most of her family are qualified to fly one. The job of ‘aircraft captain’ for the Queen is being advertised on the British Monarchy website. The applicant must have experience with Very Very Important People (VVIPs) and offers a salary of between £55,500 and £78,500. The advertisement indicates that both Sikorsky and Westmoreland helicopters will be used, and that job satisfaction will be high. The Mirror reports: The salary is twice that Prince William is getting paid as he guides his ambulance chopper on mercy missions.
