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Why Is Volcanic Activity Starting To Go Crazy All Over The Planet?

All of a sudden, the giant rock that we all live on is starting to go a bit nuts.  Unusual volcanic activity is happening all over the globe, but the “experts” are assuring us that there is nothing to be concerned about.  But could it be possible that they are wrong?  After you have reviewed the information that I provide in this article, come to your own conclusion.  To me, it definitely appears that what we are currently witnessing is not normal.

Charted: The Number of North Korean Defectors (1998-2023)

Why Are the Number of North Korean Defectors Decreasing?

North Korea, formally known as the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea, is a totalitarian dictatorship with extremely limited freedoms and rights reported for its citizens.

Due to the country’s tight controls on borders and information, people that want to leave the country often have to physically escape and are known as defectors.

Ranked: The Foods With the Largest Environmental Impact

The Environmental Impacts of Food Production

Food and agriculture have a significant impact on our planet, particularly in terms of carbon emissions, water withdrawals, and land use.

To visualize how different food items contribute to this environmental impact, the above graphic ranks foods based on their greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions and water withdrawals, using data from Poore and Nemecek and Our World in Data.

The Carbon Giants
