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Things Have Actually WORSENED Since the Feb Bounce Began

Things Have Actually WORSENED Since the Feb Bounce Began

What a different four weeks makes.

Four weeks ago, the S&P 500 had just taken out critical support. Everyone was panicking that the market was about to implode.


1.     At that time, China was continuing to devalue the Yuan as its economy collapsed.


2.     Europe was tumbling based on Draghi’s inability to generate inflation.


3.     The US economy was rolling over sharply as deflation arose courtesy of US Dollar strength and a Fed rate hike.


Frontrunning: March 3

  • Global stocks, oil dip, but markets calm down as growth fears ease (Reuters)
  • Greece cannot carry migrant burden on its own: PM Tsipras (Reuters)
  • New Migrant Crisis Flares in Greece (WSJ)
  • Qatar's BeIn Media buys U.S. film studio Miramax (Reuters)
  • Nanny who beheaded Russian girl cites revenge for Putin's Syria strikes (Reuters)
  • Elliott Management’s wager on Argentinian government bonds has yielded $2.4 billion (WSJ)
  • Tesla's Getting More Rivals as VW Scandal Clouds Diesel Outlook (BBG)

Donald Trump – Bad For Dollar, Good For Gold?

Donald Trump – Bad For Dollar, Good For Gold?

Donald Trump – Bad For Dollar, Good For Gold?

Donald Trump's emergence as the Republican frontrunner and possible future U.S. President is causing some gold and investment analysts to suggest diversifying into gold according to the Wall Street Journal.

Donald Trump - Gage Skidmore via


From the WSJ:

The other winner from Super Tuesday could be gold.
