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America's National Debt Bomb Caused By The Welfare State

America's National Debt Bomb Caused By The Welfare State

Submitted by Richard Ebeling via,

The news is filled with the everyday zigzags of those competing against each other for the Democrat and Republican Party nominations to run for the presidency of the United States. But one of the most important issues receiving little or no attention in this circus of political power lusting is the long-term danger from the huge and rising Federal government debt.

Erdogan Threatens Europe With Fresh Migrant Wave

Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan has threatened Europe that unless it provides Turkey more money to tackle the migrant crisis, Turkey would be opening the floodgates for migrants to enter Europe. “In the past we have stopped people at the gates to Europe, in Edirne [in northwest Turkey] we stopped their buses. This can happen once or twice, and then we’ll open the gates and wish them a safe journey,” Erdogan said during an address to the Young Businessmen Confederation of Turkey.
