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European Union

Japan's Shifting Power Alliances

Japan's Shifting Power Alliances

Authored by Nomi Prins via The Daily Reckoning,

I’ve just wrapped up a long trip to Japan. And I’ve taken away one lesson from all of my conversations, speeches and research: The rise of nationalism in the U.S. will cause massive shifts in global trade alliances.

One of the main beneficiaries will be Japan. Now, Japan might not be on your radar, day-to-day, but it’s about to play a very important role in the world of Donald Trump.

Hungary's Orban: EU And "Soros Mafia Network" Are Seeking To "Muslimize Europe"

Hungary's Orban: EU And "Soros Mafia Network" Are Seeking To "Muslimize Europe"

The war of words between Hungary's outspoken prime minister Viktor Orban and liberal billionaire George Soros escalated to previously unseen levels on Saturday, when the Hungarian PM said that European Union leaders and Soros are seeking a "new, mixed, Muslimized Europe," however during a visit to Romania, Orban said that Hungary's border fences, supported by other Central European countries, will block the EU-Soros effort to increase Muslim migration into Europe.

Frontrunning: July 18

  • U.S. Republicans left scrambling after health bill sinks again (Reuters); Republicans Give Up on Health-Care Reform, Now Seek Straight Repeal (BBG)
  • Trump Blames Democrats and a ‘Few Republicans’ for Health-Bill Wreck (BBG)
  • House Republicans Set Out Plan to Rewrite Tax Code (WSJ)
  • House GOP Budget Ignores Trump’s Cuts to Domestic Agencies (BBG)
  • House Republicans unveil 2018 budget with tax reform instructions (Reuters)
  • UK inflation unexpectedly falls and eases rate-hike fears (AP)

Criminal Groups Still Prefer Cash To Bitcoin, EU Study Finds

Criminal Groups Still Prefer Cash To Bitcoin, EU Study Finds

Bitcoin and other digital currencies are seemingly tailor-made for use by organized crime groups, given that they’re widely used and allow for a level of anonymity. But a study by the European Union exploring financing options used by organized crime and terror groups claims that the technological barriers associated with using bitcoin and other digital currencies have so far prevented widespread adoption.

The use of cryptocurrencies by criminal groups – other than hackers - is fairly rare.

In its conclusion, the report claims that:
