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John McCain Kills Obamacare Repeal With Single Decisive Vote

John McCain Kills Obamacare Repeal With Single Decisive Vote

In the end it was not meant to be: Senate Republicans failed, by a single vote, to pass a month-long effort to pass Republican healthcare legislation culminating with a vote on a "skinny" bill to repeal Obamacare thanks to a single decisive vote by Donald Trump's nemesis, John McCain.

In a devastating blow to President Trump and his healthcare agenda, Senate Republicans voted 49 to 51 to pass a slimmed down bill put forward as a last gasp effort to overhaul the US healthcare system, leaving the fate of Obamacare in the hands of Democrats and the general public.

Winning: U.S. Crushes All Other Countries In Latest Obesity Study

Winning: U.S. Crushes All Other Countries In Latest Obesity Study

When President Trump promised last fall that under a Trump administration America would "would win so much you'll get tired of winning," we suspect this is not what he had in mind.  According to the latest international obesity study from the Organization For Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD), America is by far the fattest nation in the world with just over 38% of the adult population considered 'obese.'


Here are some stats from the OECD's latest study courtesy of the Washington Examiner:

What's Next For Obamacare Repeal: A Primer From Goldman And Citi

What's Next For Obamacare Repeal: A Primer From Goldman And Citi

As reported earlier, after yesterday's surprising Senate GOP "victory", when it found the bare minimum number of votes to open debate on Republican Healthcare legislation, Republicans suffered an immediate defeat just hours later when the Senate voted soundly against (with 9 Republicans joining Democrats) a "Repeal and Replace" of Obamacare. Shortly, the Senate is expected to vote on a clean Repeal bill (it was originally scheduled for noon but was pushed back to 3:30pm) which, however, is also not expected to have the 51 votes necessary to be approved.
